Mar 2, 2023

Legal AI

 This great piece in Wired magazine focuses on generating legal text. It is not the most desirable application, but it is indeed quite helpful. I was designing and engineering automated document generation and conversational systems for quite a while. Most customers appreciated transparent systems based on rules and logic capturing the organizational knowledge. Moreover, generative AI was an excellent tool for building and managing grammar templates, sentence frames, etc. 

Today, deep learning gets a lot of attention, but I still believe that comprehensive natural language understanding is the most critical application in the legal field. For example, interpreting legal regulations or finding relevant interpretations between statements recorded in various sources is an expert-level task. 

Intelligent search is another crucial technology, primarily if, instead of keyword matching, semantic methods are used as an engine for finding relevant documents. 

Generating statements based on statistical relationships based on frequencies, word embeddings, n-gram models, or other ML techniques is also helpful but probably can be accomplished with methods that involve explainable algorithms. 

#deeplearning #ai #technology #engineering #ml #algorithms #legal #legalAI #generativeai

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