About this blog..,

Welcome to my blog: Artificial Intelligence Motifs! I will be writing about my research projects, news in the field of Artificial Intelligence, strategic management, general computing, robotics and my personal interests.

In the My Weekly Desk section, I will be sharing my current readings and interests.

My interests are influenced by the following professional organizations that are contributing to shaping the future of science and technology:

The Mars Society

IEEE: The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

ASEE: American Society for Engineering Education

AAAS: American Association for the Advancement of Science

AMS: American Mathematical Society

In my first post, I want to discuss a fundamental and broad issue raised in the short video titled "Humans need not apply". This provocative material shows a scenario in which industrial automation replaces humans. The historical perspective and current events are very well researched.

There is no question that we are at the beginning of the robotic revolution. After many decades, Artificial Intelligence is beginning to deliver spectacular solutions to real problems, even though Marvin Minsky is not impressed by the current state of research in AI. Economic pressures will inevitably force employers to remove humans performing the most basic jobs from their payrolls. Accommodating millions of workers into the future economy and society is perhaps a more significant dilemma than we can imagine. Up to this point, this was a topic found only in sci-fi novels. Unfortunately, many of these novels do not end on a happy note...