Dec 17, 2022

Origins of statistics

 The concepts of measurement, error, correlation, regression: origins and applications

Sometimes it is important to look into the origins of specific scientific fields. This is particularly true for foundational fields for many established and emerging areas. This book goes very deep into the concepts that we take for granted. Statistics is one area of science that retains its fundamental role but is overshadowed by newer fields. However, we trace the origins of statistics back to exciting progress in astronomy and revolutionary observations that discover new patterns (time series). Astronomy contributed to developing the logic of quantification and systematic ways to handle the concept of measurement error. Moreover, the discovery of formal methods for regression and correlation is not perceived as one of the most significant events in the history of quantitative science. Nevertheless, it provided tools for analyzing complex systems and founded algorithmic decision-making applied to all areas of modern life. 

Today, statistics is again a primary tool in the maturing of statistical mechanics and quantum science.

#statistics #science #astronomy #statisticalanalysis #measurement #metrology #quantitativeresearch #quantitativeanalysis #regression #correlation #quantumcomputing

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