Dec 17, 2022

Grand Questions: origins of the universe

 For a mathematician or data scientist, this profound book is not precisely devoted to discussing philosophical naturalism. Instead, it provides excellent motivation for research and experimentation with big data, DNA's information-theoretic questions, self-organization research, Bayesian reasoning limits, and implications of Tegmark's mathematical universe. However, many scientists tacitly or openly acknowledge that science can not explain many grand questions using causality or logic.

Stephen Meyer's book is an extension of very profound discussions by Richard Dawkins (The Blind Watchmaker: Why the Evidence of Evolution Reveals a Universe Without Design) and Stephen Hawking (A Brief History of Time). 

Return of the God Hypothesis is an excellent platform for experiment design in which thermodynamics imposes extreme parameter finetuning (Paul Davies, John Polkinghorne), simulation constraints, and information transfer limitations. Shannon's theory on information degradation, correction channel mitigation, and many other topics are excellent foundations for building large connectionist systems that model more than massive text corpora. 

The Return of the God Hypothesis: Three Scientific Discoveries Revealing the Mind Behind the Universe, Stephen C. Meyer, Harper Collins Publishers

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