Jan 13, 2017

Robotics 2017: - a lot more than cute design - a powerful user interface

 In the recent years we have been observing a few significant trends in robotics emerging from the economic and social environment subjected to the fourth industrial revolution [1], DARPA Grant Challenge Projects (DRC) [2], Internet of Things (IoT),  IBM’s Watson [3], to name only a few.
Based on my experience, the deep learning platforms might be partially in responsible for Kirobo and many other projects. Deep learning provides very convenient (re-) packaging of existing AI algorithms to the point in which the economics of software development have changed. AI is much more economically feasible now.
One particular aspect, that is still difficult to handle by machine learning – based AI is common knowledge. Common knowledge in the AI jargon means a knowledge base of simple inferences e.g. if you drop your phone on the floor it will break. There are millions of similar inferences that impact our everyday lives. Douglas Lenat and his CYC project [4] attempted to solve this problem by manually creating rules for a system capable of reasoning about common knowledge. After a few decades of painstaking development, CYC might be getting ready for primetime.
The recent creation of Kirobo shows that small robots connected through smartphones, hotspots or other networks to powerful cloud computing platforms will be increasingly important. Small robots equipped with vision systems and other sensors will become an efficient user interface platform for personal assistant systems capable of speech and gesture recognition, spatial awareness, interconnectivity with other devices [5].
From the interface design point of view, attaching a likable personality to the information stream allows for reduced information load. There have been many attempts to create effective user interfaces with a personal touch and machine learning in the background.  The Ms. Dewey search engine project by Microsoft [6], although discontinued, was one of the most ambitious attempt to create a user interface with a distinctive and pleasant personality.   
The research behind advanced user interfaces is very significant and mature. Now, there are massive computing resources that can be supporting such systems. It feels that Ray Kurzweil with his singularity and transhumanism predictions [7] appear increasingly on target.
 [1] The Fourth Industrial Revolution, Klaus Schwab, World Economic Forum: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1524758868/ref=cm_sw_r_tw_dp_x_f79DybHYSEQP3
[4] www.cyc.com